Aerostich / RiderWearHouse

Press Release: For immediate publication.

Aerostich e-Fill Siphon

Safely siphon fuel from any gas-powered device without getting a mouthful or lungful of dangerously deadly toxins in the process... or accidentally spilling the valuable stuff all over you or your bike's finish. No matter where you are, this ultra compact system won't leave you stranded for long. Simply insert the self-priming end into any fuel-laden receptacle, and put the other end into the transferring container/carrying case. A few up and down self-priming pump motions and you'll be siphonin' away. The handy stopper clip maintains the siphoning function in the "off" position, so there's no need to begin the process all over again between container transfers to your tank. The included super soak towel quickly cleans up any excess spills and everything fits neatly back into the transfer container/carrying case. Carrying case is 10.1"x2.6"x1.25" and holds 1/8 gallon of gas. Siphon is 68" long. Entire system weighs less than 4 oz.

#4986 $24.00

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Press Releases:

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Phone: 800 222 1994.
Fax: 218 720 3610
Email: [email protected]

Andy Goldfine [email protected] or Lynn Wisneski [email protected]

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Aero Design & Mfg. Co., Inc.
8 S 18th Ave W
Duluth, MN 55806