Aerostich Lightweight Touring Book
Aerostich RiderWearHouse introduces Lightweight Unsupported Motorcycle Travel for Terminal Cases, a 71 page 4" x 6" book outlining helpful how-to's relating to the simple way to travel distances on smaller motorcycles.

How about riding out your own back door for high adventure and long distances with just an average smallish bike and some simple luggage and gear? Is it possible to travel unsupported and independently in such a manner? The people at RiderWearHouse believe so and herein outline an approach to motorcycle touring that has its roots in the earliest traditions of our sport but has seemingly fallen out of favor in these days of ever-increasing complexity and excess. The experience of traveling in this manner captures the time-honored essence of motorcycling.

The book consists of 14 pages of summary text, with the balance arranged into appendices that cover such topics as food, improvised repairs, helpful texts for further information, useful websites, state-by-state listings of good roads, and bike-friendly hangouts. There are detailed examples of typical gear and its organization, based on real-life experience and offered here as a starting point for your own lightweight touring adventures. It's all about getting out and 'doing it' with what you have available, which beats waiting until you can 'do it right' (whatever that is...).

Lightweight Unsupported Motorcycle Travel for Terminal Cases fits readily in a pocket or tank bag and is a distillation of experience and information that will be a useful starting point for the beginning lightweight motorcycle tourist as well as a handy reference for the more experienced rider.

+ 71 pages of information on lightweight touring
+ Lots of suggestions on keeping things simple
+ Informative appendices of such things as interesting hangouts and good roads
+ Pocket sized
+ Only $5.00 or free with all orders over $50.00 until 12/31/03

#5800 $5.00

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To order or for further information, call Aerostich/Riderwearhouse at 800 222 1994.
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