"Loud Suits Save Lives" Intended to serve the special needs of the urban and bad-weather commuter and others who value visibility and recognition for safety purposes, Aerostich Roadcrafters and Darien Jackets are now available in Hi-Viz Lime Yellow (Fed. Spec. #595-13671). This garment option will assure that the rider is highly conspicuous in traffic-dense, overcast, or low light environments. Developed for use in municipal safety applications, it was found that fire trucks this color were 300% less likely to be involved in accidents. Hi-Viz Lime Yellow 'jumps out' on a primal level because it is not naturally occurring, and because the human eye is most sensitive to light in this part of the spectrum. (The eye is least receptive to red & black). The brightest color possible under visible light, Hi-Viz Lime Yellow is more effective than fluorescent colors which, because of their chemical makeup are dependent on the uv radiation in sunlight to 'glow', making them less effective at night and in vehicle headlights. The piercing Hi-Viz Lime Yellow carries plenty of visual 'punch' even under incandescent and low-light conditions. The well-known Hurt report contains data indicating that most drivers colliding with motorcyclists list "not seeing the rider" as a primary cause of car-motorcycle accidents. As another weapon in the arsenal of the urban commuter, these garments are unmatched. (Photographs and printed images may not fully show the visual impact of Hi-Viz Lime Yellow.) For immediate delivery in all stock sizes (with available custom alterations), or for further information, call Aerostich/Riderwearhouse at 800 222 1994. Prices and optional Ballistic abrasion area colors are the same as are listed in the current Riderwearhouse Catalog: www.aerostich.com FX: 218 720 3610. Hi-Viz Lime Yellow Advantages: +Developed for maximum visibility +Effective in low light situations +Effective under incandescent light (i.e. headlights) +Brightest color in visible light spectrum +Stands out in urban environment +Inspires the comment "eeeewww"