Advance Media Release - New Items for Immediate Publication

Advance information on new featured Aerostich Tours. Available for all media uses. To view individually, please go to


TOUR DATES: June 17 - June 21, 2010

2010 Alaska TourThe Aerostich Tours Adventure Team has announced June 17 - June 21, as the dates for their 2010 "Tag The Deadhorse Motorcycle Tour" to Deadhorse, Alaska, also known as Prudhoe Bay.

Deadhorse, Alaska is the furthest point north on the North American Continent a motorcyclist can reach, at the end of the famed and treacherous 416 mile long Dalton Highway. Also known as The Haul Road, half of which is unpaved, can be snow or ice covered in the warmest of seasons and provides the ultimate motorcycle driving challenge for intrepid adventurists. Motorcyclists from around the world know that reaching Deadhorse is a "must do" as they try to check-off riding destinations around the globe. The Aerostich Adventure Team will start the adventurers from Fairbanks, sweeping the group with their event security vehicle. Once the entrants reach Prudhoe Bay they can opt to join the famed Polar Bear Club with a swim in the Arctic Ocean or bask with their fellow riders in the success of their personal accomplishments to reach Deadhorse.

According to an Aerostich Tours spokesperson, "This tour is an opportunity for the true adventure rider to test their individual commitments and riding abilities by conquering one of the toughest roads in North America. They can join like-minded adventure riders in the camaraderie of a group of hardened travelers. This tour is for the advanced motorcyclist, one possessing the skills and equipment to accomplish what many have failed to do, reach Deadhorse. Severe and rapidly changing weather conditions, no service facilities, poor road conditions and errant vehicles and animals along the 414 miles make this adventure ride a personal accomplishment not equaled anywhere on the globe. This road has humbled some of the most experienced motorcycle adventure riders. We are looking for a select group made up of individuals from around the globe, a multi-national affront on the famed Haul Road."

The tour is open to any displacement size motorcycle, sidecar or trike, solo or with a pillion. Entrants are to be self-sufficient, arriving in Fairbanks on their own. Starts at $395 per rider.

Itinerary Tour Information Pricing Map

2010 Alaska TourTour Highlights

This event is a four day round trip ride from Fairbanks to Deadhorse and back.

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To get a free catalog, call 800 222 1994 or email [email protected].
For further tour information, call Aerostich Tours at: 877 722 8472, FAX: 218 720 3610
Contact: [email protected]
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