Advance Media Release - New Items for Immediate Publication

Advance information on new featured Aerostich/RiderWearHouse items. All products are now available for all media uses. To view individually, please go to

Gyro Powerball

Grab the lighted gyro exerciser and turn back and forth at up to 18,000 RPM and 40 lbs of resistance, for an amazing workout of the hand, wrist, elbow and arm. Improves performance in anything requiring strong grip, finger strength, and wrist endurance. It's fun to use too. On-board LED gets brighter as speed increases - glows like something out of Tron. Looks easy...but our tester was sweating, red-faced and having a hard time holding on after just a few minutes. A great workout, sure to enhance your next ride. Optional powerdock jumpstarts the gyro to operating speeds in seconds, and serves as a cool looking base to rest your gyro while not in use.

Gyro Powerball #3306 $45.00
Powerdock #3307 $18.00

Gyro Powerball
JPG (269KB)
Zipped EPS (5.2MB)
PDF (10.1MB)
Gyro Powerball
JPG (362KB)
Zipped EPS (6.9MB)
PDF (13.5MB)
Gyro Powerdock
JPG (221KB)
Zipped EPS (7.2MB)
PDF (7.4MB)


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To get a free catalog call 800.222.1994 or email [email protected].
Press Releases:
Contact: Andy Goldfine [email protected] or Lynn Wisneski [email protected]
To order or for further information, contact Aerostich/RiderWearHouse
Phone: 800 222 1994, Fax: 218 720 3610
Email: [email protected]