Advance Media Release - New Items for Immediate Publication

Advance information on new featured Aerostich/RiderWearHouse items. All products are now available for all media uses. To view individually, please go to

'Ride There' Faux-Haiku T-Shirt

Okay, so technically it's not a Haiku (which would consist of 17 moras, in three metrical phrases of 5, 7, and 5 moras respectively), but it is a simple piece of poetry that speaks volumes to dedicated, everyday riders. Whatever your reason, it's better to ride there. Because you can. 100% Cotton. White. M-XX.

#2863 $20.00

Ride There Faux-Haiku T-Shirt
JPG (192KB)
Zipped EPS (6MB)
PDF (8.5MB)
Ride There Faux-Haiku T-Shirt
JPG (332KB)
Zipped EPS (7.6MB)
PDF (10.2MB)
Ride There Faux-Haiku T-Shirt
JPG (351KB)
Zipped EPS (6.5MB)


Alternate formats: PDF Word

To get a free catalog call 800.222.1994 or email [email protected].
Press Releases:
Contact: Andy Goldfine [email protected] or Lynn Wisneski [email protected]
To order or for further information, contact Aerostich/RiderWearHouse
Phone: 800 222 1994, Fax: 218 720 3610
Email: [email protected]