Advance Media Release - New Items for Immediate Publication

Advance information on new featured Aerostich/RiderWearHouse items. All products are now available for all media uses. To view individually, please go to

Aerostich Gear Rack Systems

Caching all of your riding gear in one place will ensure you are ready to go at a moment's notice, whether you feel the need for speed or just a gallon of milk from the corner store. These riding gear racks both offer a no-frills industrial design that provides convenient, functional all-in-one storage for your gear, and probably will outlast the wall they're screwed to, too. The two 24"x14" chrome wire racks of the Aerostich Ride-Ready Gear Rack (#1383) provide exceptional airflow for helmets, boots, gloves, tank bags, etc, while a 1" lip ensures gear stays put. Mount the sturdy 34" chrome posts to any wall and adjust shelf height to match your specific gear storage needs. Alternatively, the Aerostich Gear Rack (#1385) offers an 11" deep x 20" wide shelf with a slotted pattern to ensure exceptional ventilation, and a sturdy stainless steel coat rack bar to suspend an array of riding suits, jackets, pants, electrics, and fleece. Both storage systems provide ample space for two helmets, a helmet and a pair of boots, a pair of boots and gloves…you get the idea. Mount one of these racks in your garage, entryway, hallway or bedroom and make your gear instantly ready for any riding mission. Wall attachment hardware not included: Visit a local hardware store for appropriate (drywall, brick, or wood paneling, etc...) fasteners. Russian military fighter air crews based in Murmansk use racks exactly like these. We imagine.

Ride-Ready Gear Rack #1383 $117.00
Aerostich Gear Rack #1385 $117.00

Aerostich Ride-Ready Gear Rack
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Aerostich Ride-Ready Gear Rack
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Aerostich Ride-Ready Gear Rack
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Aerostich Gear Rack
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Aerostich Gear Rack
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Press Releases:
Contact: Andy Goldfine [email protected] or Lynn Wisneski [email protected]
To order or for further information, contact Aerostich/RiderWearHouse
Phone: 800 222 1994, Fax: 218 720 3610
Email: [email protected]