Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance - Donate

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  1. A Glaring Inconsistency
    I rode a Honda CB77 (street version of the Honda 305cc bike) for several years. This is the bike the author describes and claims to have ridden.

    Although I like the book, my appreciation was spoiled by the author's description of the bike, which clearly was NOT a CB77.

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  2. Every Biker Must Read in His/Her Lifetime!
    I first read this book when I was in my teens. It was a travelogue then.

    I next read it in my 20's. Then, it was about the philosophy of repairing machinery.

    When I read it in my 30's it was about fatherhood.

    In my 40's, when I read it, it became a book about the concept of "quality.'

    Can't wait to see what it will mean now that I'm in my 50's!

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  3. Highly Recommended
    I ordered this after reading Zen and Now, which I also enjoyed. Having given away my pink-covered copy of ZMM, a fellow rider/reader loaned me his copy, inspiring me to get my own. This edition has more information about the author and his personal story.

    I also found I'd only read about half-way through the first time. Probably got busy and never got back to it. That's alright, I know I got more out of it this time, some 30+ years later.

    The additions are helpful, as was Zen and Now, and I highly recommend both books.

    Now, I'm going to have to re-read Lila.

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  4. Over 2000 Years of Wisdom in 373 Pages
    In this monumental 1974 work, Robert Pirsig has achieved what few others have managed before him and, to the best of my knowledge, nobody else has accomplished since: a perfect unification of philosophy, adventure and mystery. His "Chautauqua," or traveling tale, takes the reader on a profound tour of ancient Greek philosophy, the steppes of Montana, and even a little bit of Zen Buddhism, with endless surprises and much original if not truly inspired thought along the way. Through his self-portrayal by means of the unforgettable and eerily enigmatic character Phaedrus, Mr. Pirsig shares his far-reaching search for the meaning of life, and himself. His fundamental concern is with the following seemingly simple but in effect infinitely complex question: "How can one distinguish "good" from "bad?" The question is posed and addressed in many different forms throughout the book, and in the process the concepts of truth, value and quality are dissected, reassembled, and again dissected and reassembled many times. Mr. Pirsig has an uncanny sense of timing, and he never allows the heavier passages to labor on too long. This is avoided by craftily interspersing his philosophical discourse amongst very down-to-earth and charming observations made during a motorcycle trip that takes the narrator and his seemingly troubled son Chris from the American Prairies to the Pacific, and forms the prevalent background for the entire "Chautauqua." "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" is a totally unique creation. Not being one to lend himself easily to corny clichés, I nevertheless believe that this is one book that definitely could dramatically change your life, whether or not you believe in Zen or have ever sat on a motorcycle. If you love somebody, buy them this book.

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  5. You'd better be ready...!
    The actual classification that "Zen" belongs in is hard to pin down but if you step off into these waters, be ready for a strenuous mental workout. It took me three starts to actually read through the entire book, I'm still not entirely conversant with what I read, it wasn't what I'd call a "good read" and I wouldn't read it again. On the other hand, a lot of people love it. Go figure...!

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  6. It´s about life...
    The book is not a maintenance manual. It is about the art of living, about applied Zen concepts. About feelings between a man, his son, a motorcycle, the world, and how to maintain the perspective between all the stuff.

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  7. Good at first but gets very esoteric
    While Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is ver y readible at the beginning, about half way in it very very philosophical. If you are looking for a doctorate in Philosophy definately get this book. If you are a casual reader, beware that it will take quite a while to finish and you will wonder why you bought this book.

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  8. Catalyst for buying our Honda Goldwing
    My wife and I were listening to Zen on audiobook in the car while on a road trip. During that trip, we vowed to get a Honda Goldwing and tour Montana. We have the Goldwing, and are working our way up to Montana. Yes, it's a philosophy book, but the novelesque motorcycle-touring bits are very evocative. Highly-recommended.

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