Review Details

Aluminum Non-Stick Two Cookset

Product Review (submitted on February 4, 2011):

My first moto-camping trip I tried to take plastic utensils and paper plates and bowls thinking that I didn't want to have to clean up dishes. I neglected to realize how ineffective paper products are in the rain and how fragile plastic utensils are when eating steaks and potatoes. I also cannot cook on or with paper/plastic dinnerware.

This cookset is light and compact. It easily fit in with my gear and there was even space inside to store some salt/pepper shakers and a Hobo knife that I picked up from Duluth Trading Company inside the pots. The quality of the set leaves a little to be desired. The handles are riveted to the pots and upon opening my set I noticed that one of the handles mounting plates had been cracked during the attachment process. The handles are another issue. From the picture that the manufacturer provides it appears that the handles will fold out from the body of the pot and stay put by way of friction or some other means then fold back around the pot for storage. In reality the handles flop around loose and are hard to keep together when the pot is full of water. I'm still working on a way to keep them together when cooking so that the plastic at the end of the handles does not touch the hot pan and melt to it. on the plus side the set does work well and I like the addition of the frying pan with the set. If I can't solve the issue with the handles though, this may become a play toy for my girls in their toy kitchen.

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