SALE: Falstaff Jacket

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If you fancy the waterproofness and uniquely experienced look of classic, traditional 100% English waxed cotton gear but demand modern venting, TF3 or TF6 technical armor and Scotchlite™ reflective areas, a Falstaff ought to do it.

Its authentic English waxed cotton is exactly the same fabric proven in traditional British outdoor and rider’s gear. Rugged 8.25 ounce fabric, made the same way for over 170 years, with proven resistance to inclement weather, while the cotton fibers allow it to breathe. It is highly durable, exceptionally comfortable and proven by generations of riders, outdoorsmen and commercial fisherman (wearing oilskins) in the harshest conditions. As the fabric ages it also develops a well-worn and comfortable patina, telling your unique story of every mile ridden.

The Falstaff features a rich plaid cotton lining, with two huge inside pockets, a soft Ultrasuede faced collar, and an oversized cargo pocket behind the back vent reflective flap.

In hot weather it wears more comfortably than the British jackets because of its generous dual slider zippered underarm and back vents. And the Aerostich TF3 or TF6 impact armor provides crash performance far beyond what the 'olde-blighty' gear offered. Cleans with a damp sponge.

The abrasion resistance of waxed cotton (when compared to the Darien's 500 Denier Cordura) is better than you'd think. Black, Brown, Orange, or Green. 36–54. Choose TF3 or TF6 armor. Made in America

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