January 2021

  1. A New Type of Car Which Should Be Great for Motorcycling.

    A New Type of Car Which Should Be Great for Motorcycling.
    This is a short essay about what the Apple company might be planning for their Next Big Thing. First, please note I am not an Apple 'fan-boy’ and have not spent even one second doing any actual research on this, so what follows is mostly made-up storytelling. I was recently daydreaming (thanks pandemic!) when a bunch of ideas came into...
  2. Mini-Memoir: A Simple Winter, and a New Year’s Update

    Mini-Memoir: A Simple Winter, and a New Year’s Update
    All is well here. Nothing unusual or good or bad to report. Mostly staying home awaiting the vaccine. Aerostich open and generally solvent. We are making good incremental progress on past debts and correcting past mistakes. Yesterday our bank let us know our PPP loan was forgiven, which is a pretty big deal for us. Next is applying for a...

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