January 2023

  1. The State of AI: FFFFlaws in the Algorithm

    The State of AI: FFFFlaws in the Algorithm
    A Few ChatGPT Answers to Important Questions(Some Blog-Posts Literally Write Themselves…) ChatGPT Jan 9 Version (2023) Red text sections = Comments from Mr. Subjecive Important Question: Why should I ride a motorcycle? ChatGPT Answer: There are several reasons why someone might choose to ride a motorcycle. Some people enjoy the feeling of freedom and the open road that riding a...
  2. The Risks of Riding

    The Risks of Riding
    A fair number of our customers agree about one looking like a dork/Road Grimed Astronaut if riding for transportation and utility, vs. when riding primarily for sport and recreation. These two different-but-related applications have at least this in common: they both involve a single-track motorized vehicle. In rich countries like America, transportation/utility/commuting riders generally do both kinds of riding, but most...

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