"Good god no. I'm nowhere near old enough..."
- Excerpt from a recent online (Revzilla Common Tread) discussion about "Building A Better Brand" and the R-3 and Roadcrafter Classic one piece suits

"Good god no. I'm nowhere near old enough..."
- Excerpt from a recent online (Revzilla Common Tread) discussion about "Building A Better Brand" and the R-3 and Roadcrafter Classic one piece suits
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Finally got one for my 35th birthday. Took a while to get it sized right but I love it. They’re definitely so uncool they’re cool in my book. And they just work.
Bought my first fart bag suit at age 27 while astride a Beemer. Now I’m much older astride a Ducati, still clad in red fart bag suit. Proudly.
In Response to Jeremy: Lol. I don’t ride a bmw either and I bought a crashed one. If you can sew….. it is pretty awesome aerostitch will sell you the materials to fix these. To my knowledge nobody else does that. That alone will keep me coming here for stuff.
You mean, BMW’s don’t automatically come with a ‘Stich?!
I’d say I feel cheated, but I don’t ride a BMW, and I still can’t afford a ‘Stich.
I mean. That is how most people see aerostitch stuff tho. I got mine at age 41. I bought one someone crashed in off eBay for way cheap. Aerostitch sold me the material I needed and I sewed / repaired it myself. I do wish I didn’t look like every single bmw rider on the road but I mean. It’s a nice suit.
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